Saturday, May 19, 2007

Launch of UNESCO's World Centre for Language Documentation

Debbie Garside, CEO, WLDC

The World Language Documentation Center (WLDC), to include world-renowned experts in language technologies, linguistics, terminology standardization, and localization, was officially launched on 9 May 2007 at the offices of UNESCO in Paris.

The WLDC promotes multilingualism in cyberspace and the maintenance and sustainability of information about the languages of the world.

Launch of UNESCO's World Centre for Language Documentation

Debbie Garside, CEO, WLDC

The World Language Documentation Center (WLDC), to include world-renowned experts in language technologies, linguistics, terminology standardization, and localization, was officially launched on 9 May 2007 at the offices of UNESCO in Paris.

The WLDC promotes multilingualism in cyberspace and the maintenance and sustainability of information about the languages of the world.