Saturday, September 16, 2006

SangSaeng Issue on "Islam : In a Changing World"

The current issue of SangSaeng is most topical, as it deals with Islam in a Changing World. The focus articles are:
* Muslims in the West Choose Between Isolationism and Participation
* Islam and Women's Sports
* Islam's Encounter with Other Religions in Asia
* Korea and Islam : 1,000 Years of Interaction
SangSaeng, a korean word with Chinese roots is composed of two parts: meaning mutual (each other) life. In combination, it means living together, helping each other. The publication aims to be a forum for the Asia-Pacific region for constructive discussion of issues, methods and experiences in the area of peace education.

SangSaeng is published three times a year by the Asia-Pacific Center of Education for international Understanding (APCEIU). APCEIU was established in 2000 by the agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Korea.