Friday, August 18, 2006

UNESCO supports Libraries

UNESCO supports and promotes universal access to information and knowledge flows. Part of its many activities focuses on the strengthening of the institutional capacity of libraries as gateways to information. As such, UNESCO assists worldwide libraries to acquire new technologies and network resources through the UNESCO Network of Associated Libraries (UNAL). UNAL’s main objective is to encourage libraries that are open to the public to undertake activities in UNESCO’s fields such as the promotion of human rights and peace, cultural dialogue, protection of the environment, fight against illiteracy, etc. Over 500 libraries around the world are members of the Network, the Library of Congress being one of them.

UNESCO Libraries Portal currently contains over 14000 links to websites of libraries around the world, as well as to resources related to training, preservation and international co-operation in this area. A major part of this heritage is stored in libraries. The world’s documentary heritage constitutes a major part of mankind’s memory and reflects the diversity of peoples, languages and cultures. Through the Memory of the World Programme and other initiatives, UNESCO has played a leading role in preserving information and communication contents and in optimizing access to them. In particular, UNESCO encouraged the elaboration of strategies to facilitate the digitization of librarian collections; it also promoted and disseminated the International Charter for the Preservation of Digital Heritage adopted in October 2003.

From August 20th-24th, 2006, UNESCO will participate in the round-table on "Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society" organized by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) during its 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council to be held in Seoul, Korea. The IFLA meeting will have a UNESCO organized session on digital libraries which will include a presentation by the Library of Congress. >>More

Global Memory Net, an online image library and gateway to cultural, historical, and heritage images around the world, was launched earlier this month with a number of collections included in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme, and in the Library of Congress. The project was partially funded by the US National Science Foundation.>> More

Read more:
* UNESCO Libraries Portal
* Memory of the World - 8th meeting of the International Advisory Committee of the Memory of the World Programme, Pretoria, South Africa, 11-15 June 2007. >>More
* E-Heritage
* UNESCO Archives Portal
* World Book and Copyright Day
* Our previous postings "World Digital Library Planned: Library of Congress Envisions Collection To Bridge Cultures"

UNESCO supports Libraries

UNESCO supports and promotes universal access to information and knowledge flows. Part of its many activities focuses on the strengthening of the institutional capacity of libraries as gateways to information. As such, UNESCO assists worldwide libraries to acquire new technologies and network resources through the UNESCO Network of Associated Libraries (UNAL). UNAL’s main objective is to encourage libraries that are open to the public to undertake activities in UNESCO’s fields such as the promotion of human rights and peace, cultural dialogue, protection of the environment, fight against illiteracy, etc. Over 500 libraries around the world are members of the Network, the Library of Congress being one of them.

UNESCO Libraries Portal currently contains over 14000 links to websites of libraries around the world, as well as to resources related to training, preservation and international co-operation in this area. A major part of this heritage is stored in libraries. The world’s documentary heritage constitutes a major part of mankind’s memory and reflects the diversity of peoples, languages and cultures. Through the Memory of the World Programme and other initiatives, UNESCO has played a leading role in preserving information and communication contents and in optimizing access to them. In particular, UNESCO encouraged the elaboration of strategies to facilitate the digitization of librarian collections; it also promoted and disseminated the International Charter for the Preservation of Digital Heritage adopted in October 2003.

From August 20th-24th, 2006, UNESCO will participate in the round-table on "Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society" organized by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) during its 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council to be held in Seoul, Korea. The IFLA meeting will have a UNESCO organized session on digital libraries which will include a presentation by the Library of Congress. >>More

Global Memory Net, an online image library and gateway to cultural, historical, and heritage images around the world, was launched earlier this month with a number of collections included in UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme, and in the Library of Congress. The project was partially funded by the US National Science Foundation.>> More

Read more:
* UNESCO Libraries Portal
* Memory of the World - 8th meeting of the International Advisory Committee of the Memory of the World Programme, Pretoria, South Africa, 11-15 June 2007. >>More
* E-Heritage
* UNESCO Archives Portal
* World Book and Copyright Day
* Our previous postings "World Digital Library Planned: Library of Congress Envisions Collection To Bridge Cultures"

“What UNESCO for the Future”

The Forum of Reflexion “What UNESCO for the future?” was launched by the Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO on 18 November 2004, on the occasion of the Third Philosophy Day. It continued throughout 2005 as a cycle of open debates whose main objective was to stimulate creative and audacious thinking on the future direction of UNESCO among Permanent Delegations, National Commissions and the Secretariat. In inviting thinkers, philosophers, political leaders and experts from diverse parts of the world, the Forum aimed above all to stimulate our common reflexion and to provide food for thought through insightful, out-of-the box perspectives.

This new publication presents the addresses given in the course of this forum by sixteen people:

* Jacques Attali
* Robert Badinter
* Boutros Boutros-Ghali
* Souleymane Bachir Diagne
* Fatma Haddad-Chamakh
* Ping Huang
* Albert Jacquard
* Randolph Kent
* Yersu Kim
* Achille Mbembé
* Edgar Morin
* Hisashi Owada
* Miguel Rojas-Mix
* Carolina Rossetti Gallardo
* Ghassan Salamé
* Tu Weiming

“What UNESCO for the Future”

The Forum of Reflexion “What UNESCO for the future?” was launched by the Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO on 18 November 2004, on the occasion of the Third Philosophy Day. It continued throughout 2005 as a cycle of open debates whose main objective was to stimulate creative and audacious thinking on the future direction of UNESCO among Permanent Delegations, National Commissions and the Secretariat. In inviting thinkers, philosophers, political leaders and experts from diverse parts of the world, the Forum aimed above all to stimulate our common reflexion and to provide food for thought through insightful, out-of-the box perspectives.

This new publication presents the addresses given in the course of this forum by sixteen people:

* Jacques Attali
* Robert Badinter
* Boutros Boutros-Ghali
* Souleymane Bachir Diagne
* Fatma Haddad-Chamakh
* Ping Huang
* Albert Jacquard
* Randolph Kent
* Yersu Kim
* Achille Mbembé
* Edgar Morin
* Hisashi Owada
* Miguel Rojas-Mix
* Carolina Rossetti Gallardo
* Ghassan Salamé
* Tu Weiming

UNESCO SEAL of Excellence for Handicrafts Products

Second Santa Fe International Folk Art Market, 2005
Copyright: UNESCO

The products of craftspeople, such as pottery and textiles, are increasingly recognized as embodying the cultural heritage of their makers, and the best examples are strikingly beautiful. With the advent of the Internet and eCommerce, those products increasingly are finding a global market. The ability to sell their handicrafts to consumers in the United States and Europe via the Internet is enabling many craftspeople in the developing nations to escape from poverty. Now UNESCO is giving them a hand!

The UNESCO SEAL is a “stamp of approval” that guarantees that a handicraft product or product line meets the highest standards of quality and has been produced with careful regard to cultural authenticity and environmental conservation.

Originally piloted in Southeast Asia in 2000-2003 in cooperation with the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association (AHPADA), the Seal of Excellence has succeeded in raising the standards of South-East craft products, as well as in improving their marketability. The Seal of Excellence has been awarded to more than 70 South East Asian handicraft products.

In 2005-2006, the SEAL program has expanded into Central Asia with the Central Asian Crafts Support Association (CACSA) and the World Crafts Council Asia-Pacific Region (WCCAPR).

During 2006-2007, UNESCO plans to extend the SEAL of Excellence to: West Africa, East Africa, North Africa/Arab States, Central America and the Caribbean, and Central Europe.

UNESCO SEAL of Excellence for Handicrafts Products

Second Santa Fe International Folk Art Market, 2005
Copyright: UNESCO

The products of craftspeople, such as pottery and textiles, are increasingly recognized as embodying the cultural heritage of their makers, and the best examples are strikingly beautiful. With the advent of the Internet and eCommerce, those products increasingly are finding a global market. The ability to sell their handicrafts to consumers in the United States and Europe via the Internet is enabling many craftspeople in the developing nations to escape from poverty. Now UNESCO is giving them a hand!

The UNESCO SEAL is a “stamp of approval” that guarantees that a handicraft product or product line meets the highest standards of quality and has been produced with careful regard to cultural authenticity and environmental conservation.

Originally piloted in Southeast Asia in 2000-2003 in cooperation with the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association (AHPADA), the Seal of Excellence has succeeded in raising the standards of South-East craft products, as well as in improving their marketability. The Seal of Excellence has been awarded to more than 70 South East Asian handicraft products.

In 2005-2006, the SEAL program has expanded into Central Asia with the Central Asian Crafts Support Association (CACSA) and the World Crafts Council Asia-Pacific Region (WCCAPR).

During 2006-2007, UNESCO plans to extend the SEAL of Excellence to: West Africa, East Africa, North Africa/Arab States, Central America and the Caribbean, and Central Europe.