Sunday, May 17, 2009

The World Heritage Culture Center

The World Heritage Cultural Center is a non-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote cultural awareness through the arts and to give back to the community through knowledge and charity.

Currently it is in the process of raising money to secure a physical location through three events in 2009. Once fully established in 2010 in Westchester, New York, its founders intend that the World Heritage Cultural Center will begin to donate proceeds to support and create centers for abused women and children, the homeless, and cancer and HIV awareness campaigns, in the United and third world countries.

"N. Fork plight in U.N. spotlight"

Chris Peterson writes in the Hungry Horse News:
Sen. Max Baucus last week said he would push to have the North Fork of the Flathead designated as a World Heritage Site in Danger, a dubious distinction as Glacier National Park turns 100 next year.

The North Fork will see the international limelight in June, when Will Hammerquist, the Glacier representative of the National Park Conservation Association and Ryland Nelson, of the Canadian environmental organization Wildsight, will testify in front of a United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage panel.

The Canadian Flathead threatened by mining.
(Chris Peterson photo)

21 May: World Day for Cultural Diversity, for Dialogue and Development

The General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 21 May as World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialog and Development. UNESCO appeals to the Member States as well as to all civil society to celebrate this World Day by involving as many actors and partners as possible.