Monday, October 9, 2006
New Look for UNESCO's Education Portal
There is a new look and feel to the UNESCO Education Portal. The portal is the first to adopt the new look and feel being developed for the UNESCO website.
UNESCO’s goal is to harmonize graphics, navigation, and ergonomy to help its website users learn how to easily find information on UNESCO activities. The new design features a “tab system” for navigation on the top of the page. A simplified navigation reduces graphics to a minimum, which is important for developing country users who often have slow and expensive connections to the Internet. The new design also provides greater accessibility across different browsing softwares and operating systems.
The Education portal is now available in Spanish, in addition to English and French.
New Look for UNESCO's Education Portal
There is a new look and feel to the UNESCO Education Portal. The portal is the first to adopt the new look and feel being developed for the UNESCO website.
UNESCO’s goal is to harmonize graphics, navigation, and ergonomy to help its website users learn how to easily find information on UNESCO activities. The new design features a “tab system” for navigation on the top of the page. A simplified navigation reduces graphics to a minimum, which is important for developing country users who often have slow and expensive connections to the Internet. The new design also provides greater accessibility across different browsing softwares and operating systems.
The Education portal is now available in Spanish, in addition to English and French.
UNESCO board meeting opens with call for dialogue between cultures, religions
"The head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) today appealed for enhanced dialogue between civilizations, cultures, religions and peoples, noting that “recent events have once again highlighted, in some cases tragically, the crucial importance of this issue.”"
UNESCO board meeting opens with call for dialogue between cultures, religions
"The head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) today appealed for enhanced dialogue between civilizations, cultures, religions and peoples, noting that “recent events have once again highlighted, in some cases tragically, the crucial importance of this issue.”"
USAID-UNESCO Fund ’Best Teacher’ Awards

Punjab University © UNESCO/W. Hubbell
USAID-UNESCO Fund ’Best Teacher’ Awards

Punjab University © UNESCO/W. Hubbell
UNESCO Celebrates The Arts Education Week

Encouraging development of the arts by means of art education is one way of promoting cultural diversity. Young people are a natural target for action programmes aimed at bringing about democratization in art and culture. The teaching of artistic and cultural disciplines should therefore be encouraged: not only music and the plastic arts but also dance, theatre, poetry and the oral tradition.
For more information, visit:*LEA international (Links to Education and Arts)
*The International Fund for the Promotion of Culture
*UNESCO - Aschberg Bursaries for Artists Programme
UNESCO Celebrates The Arts Education Week

Encouraging development of the arts by means of art education is one way of promoting cultural diversity. Young people are a natural target for action programmes aimed at bringing about democratization in art and culture. The teaching of artistic and cultural disciplines should therefore be encouraged: not only music and the plastic arts but also dance, theatre, poetry and the oral tradition.
For more information, visit:*LEA international (Links to Education and Arts)
*The International Fund for the Promotion of Culture
*UNESCO - Aschberg Bursaries for Artists Programme
UNESCO, Google and Litcam launch The Literacy Project

The Literacy Project enables users to access and share literacy resources from around the world - from e-learning videos and books about literacy, to scholarly articles, reading groups, and literacy-related blogs. Visitors can also use the Google Maps function to search for literacy organizations around the globe. The site is available in both English and German.
The aim of this site reflects one of the key missions of UNESCO, and in particular of its Institute for Lifelong Learning: "to promote literacy, build capacity and enhance access to information about the issue", said Adama Ouane, Director, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL).
Google has already invited academic communities all over the world to join the initiative. They can do that by uploading different educational projects, in video or written form.
UNESCO, Google and Litcam launch The Literacy Project

The Literacy Project enables users to access and share literacy resources from around the world - from e-learning videos and books about literacy, to scholarly articles, reading groups, and literacy-related blogs. Visitors can also use the Google Maps function to search for literacy organizations around the globe. The site is available in both English and German.
The aim of this site reflects one of the key missions of UNESCO, and in particular of its Institute for Lifelong Learning: "to promote literacy, build capacity and enhance access to information about the issue", said Adama Ouane, Director, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL).
Google has already invited academic communities all over the world to join the initiative. They can do that by uploading different educational projects, in video or written form.