In order to take into account the specificities and priorities of each region of the world, regional Coalitions are being created with their respective programme of action (Africa, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Arab States, Asia-Pacific and Europe). Under the coordination of a “Lead City” which is to be identified, each regional coalition will have its own Action Plan.
The annual meeting of the European Coalition of Cities against Racism was held in Madrid in June 2006. The Coalition of Cities Against Racism and Discrimination in Asia and the Pacific was officially launched in Bangkok early August 2006. The official launching of the Latin American Coalition is scheduled for October 2006 and will take place in Montevideo. As for the African Coalition, it is to be launched in Nairobi in September 2006.
*Call for nominations for the UNESCO Prize on Human Rights Education. The deadline for submission of candidatures has been extended till 8 September 2006. >> More