The Centers and Institutes of the Education Program are:
- The International Bureau of Education (IBE)
- The UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA)
- The International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)
- The International Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC)
- The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
- The Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE)
- The European Center for Higher Education (CEPES)
- The International Center for Girls' and Women's Education in Africa (CIEFFA)
- The International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC)
- International Research and Training Centre for Rural education, Boading, China
- Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding, Inchon, Republic of Korea
- Guidance, Counseling and Youth Development Centre for Africa, Lilongwe, Malawi
- Regional Centre for Book Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Bogotá, Colombia