Today, seven Institutes and two Centers work as part of UNESCO’s Education Sector to assist countries in tackling education problems.
Enhancing curriculum development and educational content.
Helping countries to design, plan and manage their education systems.
Promoting literacy, non-formal education, and adult and lifelong learning.
Assisting countries to use information and communication technologies in education.
Developing and transforming higher education in the region.
Strengthening Africa’s educational institutions.
Promoting cooperation and reform in higher education in Europe.
Improving education for the world of work.
Providing the global and internationally comparable statistics that today’s world of education needs.
Institutes and Centres under the auspices of UNESCO
Comment: There are no UNESCO Education Institutes nor Centers in the United States. Given this country's leadership in areas such as higher education and the applications of information and communications technology for development, perhaps there should be one or more!