Prospects, UNESCO's review of comparative education, is calling for papers. They are publishing a special issue on 'Policies and Practices of Holocaust Education: International Perspectives'.
This issue of Prospects will explore the actual policies and practices of Holocaust education in countries and classrooms around the world. Due to the fact that education about the subject of the Holocaust is mired in political controversy, sound data on the policies and influences regarding its education is almost non-existent.

Studying the Holocaust is often justified by the need to help secure the future against further violations of human rights whether based on ethnicity, religion, gender, or disability. Does it accomplish those ends? At such a time of instability as this, these searching questions become ever more important.
The guest-editors invite contributors from all areas of expertise to submit research regarding any facet of Holocaust education. Does Holocaust education change attitudes toward minority groups? Does linking commemoration and class room study support or undermine its adoption? The questions are innumerable, yet the answers are few.
Take this opportunity to increase the understanding of how schools around the world treat the Holocaust and how that affects their students by submitting your proposal to the Prospects Editorial Office at: ibe.prospects@unesco.org, by 1 May 2009. Earlier submissions are encouraged. This special issue is scheduled to be published in March 2010. Manuscripts should be 7000-8000 words.
For additional information on submissions, please visit www.springer.com/education/journal/11125. Questions may be referred to Simona Popa, Prospects Assistant Editor, at: ibe.prospects@unesco.org.