The documents are:
* Report by the Director-General on implementation of the reform process: staff policyThe United States is a member nation of the Executive Board. The U.S. Representative to UNESCO and her team will have a busy couple of months!
* Report by the Director-General on the state of academic freedom and institutional autonomy within the context of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel (1997)
* Convening of the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in 2009
* Proposal for the establishment of an IHP regional centre for the scientific study on management of shared groundwater resources under the auspices of UNESCO and WMO in Tripoli, Libya
* Arts education: the follow-up to the Lisbon World Conference
* Report by the Director-General on the advisability of elaborating an International Declaration on Science Ethics to serve as a basis for an ethical code of conduct for scientists
* Jerusalem and the implementation of 33 C/Resolution 50 and 174 EX/Decision 12
* Proposal for the establishment of the International Children Centre (ARTEK) as a centre under the auspices of UNESCO (category 2)
* Report by the Director-General on the implementation of the UNESCO Evaluation Strategy
* Monitoring of the implementation of UNESCO's standard-setting instruments
* Report on the fourth meeting of the Joint Expert Group UNESCO (CR)/ECOSOC (CESCR) on the Monitoring of the Right to Education (2006)
* Dates of the 34th session of the General Conference
* Report by the Director-General on the status of contributions of Member States and of payment plans
* Report by the Director-General on the implementation of the Participation Programme and emergency assistance
* Report by the Director-General, in cooperation with the Headquarters Committee, on managing the UNESCO complex
* Relations with non-governmental organizations, foundations and similar institutions
* UNESCO's cooperation with African subregional and regional organizations
* Implementation of 33 C/Resolution 68 concerning the strengthening of cooperation with the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
* Report by the Director-General on the cultural and educational institutions in Iraq
* Report by the Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) on the activities of the Institute
* Proposal for the establishment of the IHP International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) in the Netherlands under the auspices of UNESCO
* Convening of the Fourth International Conference on International Education in 2007 in Ahmedabad, India