Renowned Japanese conductor and composer Missa Johnouchi, will be designated UNESCO Artist for Peace by UNESCO Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura at a ceremony at the Teikoku Hotel in Tokyo on 21 August 2006. In announcing the appointment, Mr Matsuura paid tribute to Ms Johnouchi’s achievements and “her interest in contributing to the Organization’s mission, and in particular to UNESCO’s programme on tangible and intangible cultural heritage.”
Ms Johnouchi will promote the importance of preserving cultural heritage through her concerts. She has also agreed to donate a percentage of her CD sales to UNESCO and she will be participating in the Commemorative project of the 1300th Anniversary of Nara Heijo-kyo, former capital of Japan, inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage, in 2010.
An Internationally recognized musician, Ms Johnouchi is best known in Japan as a composer of music for film and television. Her most popular works include titles such as “Canon,” and “Asian Blossoms.”
UNESCO Artists for Peace are internationally-renowned personalities who use their influence, charisma and prestige to help promote UNESCO’s message and programmes. UNESCO works with these distinguished personalities in order to heighten public awareness regarding key development issues and to inform the public of what the Organization’s action is in these fields.