UNESCO works with all stakeholders towards the implementation of the outcomes of WSIS, which involved major conferences in Geneva in 2003 and and Tunis in 2005, as well as many preparatory activities. UNESCO's role in the implementation process is three-fold:
* UNESCO implements concrete activities included in the Geneva Plan of Action within the framework of its regularprograme and budget.The next in a series of meetings at UNESCO's office in Paris relating to WSIS will be in October:
* UNESCO helps facilitating the coherent implementation of the Action Lines in its areas of competence.
* UNESCO, together with ITU and UNDP, is engaged in shaping the overall multi-stakeholder coordination of the Facilitators of all Action Lines.
* 16 October 2006, "Access to information and knowledge"
* 17 October 2006, "Ethical dimension of the Information Society"
* 18 October 2006, "E-learning"
* 19 October 2006, "Media"
There will is also to be a meeting on 22 October 2006, at the Huarun Hotel, Beijing, China on "E-science"
All participants have to register online in order to obtain their badges to allow access to the meeting rooms.
Click here to go to the website devoted to UNESCO's activities implementing the plan of action developed at WSIS.