Monday, September 4, 2006

ICTs for Intercultural Dialogue: Developing communication capacities of indigenous peoples (ICT4ID)

Lizzie at work
Originally uploaded by Tim in Mexico.
In a health center in Patzun, Guatemala, a woman in traditonal dress and a foreign worker use the computer.

This cross-cutting UNESCO program seeks to preserving indigenous peoples’ cultural resources by fostering access to ICT. Thus it seeks to narrow the digital divide by making the technology more relevant and useful to people who are characterized especially by their lack of adaptation of foreign ways and technologies. The project waa launched as a direct result of the International Forum on Local Cultural Expression and Communication held with UNESCO support in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on 3-6 November 2003.

"The Heart of the Cheetah: Biography, Identity and Social Change in North-western Namibia" is another effort related to this program. It is an ethnographic collaboration between filmmaker, anthropologist and translator, which aims to make visible the often unacknowledged life-story of the translator whose particular positioning as ‘cultural broker’ between ethnographers and indigenous communities is unmapped.