"UNESCO will assist the Lebanese government by providing support for vocational education, children and youth traumatized by recent events, and helping to preserve the country’s rich cultural heritage. These areas of immediate assistance, which will be part of the government’s early recovery efforts, were identified during a UNESCO mission to Lebanon last week led by the Director of the Organization’s Beirut Office, Abdel Moneim Osman. The mission met with Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, Culture Minister Tarek Mitri and Education Minister Khaled Kabbani.Damaged_school_Bint_Jbeil.jpg “UNESCO will spare no effort in extending its expertise to Lebanon,” said UNESCO Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura. “Sadly,” he added, “events over recent decades have provided the Organization with all too many occasions to work on post-conflict reconstruction. But this means Lebanon can draw on this experience – not only in the first early recovery phase, but also in later full-scale reconstruction.”

A Lebanese schoolhouse after the attack
Photo by UNESCO