Check out the series of UNESCO thematic publication on education! The objective of these newsletters, briefs, journals, and bulletins is to provide a forum for disseminating newsworthy information on Education activities, experiences, best practices, etc… to facilitate the work of practitioners and education advocates. Reports marked by (*) are also available in selected languages.

Associated School Project Network Newsletter

Adolescence Education Newsletter
Highlights country (Thailand) and regional news on Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH) resources.

International journal on the comparative theory and practice of formal and non-formal education.


(* also in French, and Spanish )
Provides the latest information on educational planning and management.

Education for All (EFA) Newsletter

A scholarly publication dealing with major problems and trends in contemporary higher education.

Provides information on the work of UNESCO in the field of social and human sciences. It is available both in printed and electronic form.

Listening to Africa (*also in French)

Informative newsletter of the UNESCO Office for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean.

PRELAC Journal
(*also in Spanish)
A journal detailing the challenges of PRELAC (El Proyecto Regional de Educacion para América Latina y el Caribe/Regional Education Project of Latin America and the Caribbean) and its contributions to the objectives of the global movement of Education for All (EFA).
Want to know more?
*Newsletter on EDUCAIDS
*Policy Briefs on Early Childhood
*UNESCO Institute for Education - Nexus (*also in German)
*The UNESCO Courier (*also in French, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian)
*Education Today (* also in French) - Newsletter on trends and innovations in education, on worldwide efforts towards Education for All and on UNESCO's own education activities.
*Connect - UNESCO International Science, Technology and Environmental Education Newsletter.
*Asia-Pacific Program of Education for All (APPEAL) - Reports on progress of on-going projects and activities of APPEAL.