Launch of New Cycle of UNESCO-VOCATIONS PATRIMOINE Co-Sponsored Fellowships for World Heritage Site Managers
World Heritage site managers and people intending to pursue a career in World Heritage site management are being invited to apply for Fellowships offered through this World Heritage Site Managers Program.
At present, the Fellowships are only offered in connection with the Master of Arts in World Heritage Studies at Brandenburg Technical University, Cottbus, Germany (, and with the Master of Science in World Heritage Management at University College Dublin, Ireland ( Applicants should therefore either be in receipt of an offer on or in the process of applying to one of these courses. Applicants should be under 45 years of age.
Applicants may submit their application to the official national liaison body for UNESCO (usually the National Commission - see Communities section on http://portal/ ), which will select a maximum of 2 candidates from each country to forward to UNESCO. Applications must reach UNESCO by 31 March 2007.