In June, UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics (UIS) released the latest available literacy statistics, along with internationally comparable education indicators for the 2005 school year. This data release coincides with the launch of the new UIS Data Center.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Educational Information from UIS
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is a critically important international organization. It provides global leadership in the standardization, collection and distribution of statistics on education, science and culture. Without the efforts of UIS it is difficult to see how comparisons among nations could be made in these important sectors. How would we monitor progress towards key goals such as those of Education for All or the Millennium Development Goals without the work UIS has done over the past decades to standardize indicators and its continuing efforts to collect information from member states and disseminate that information globally.

In June, UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics (UIS) released the latest available literacy statistics, along with internationally comparable education indicators for the 2005 school year. This data release coincides with the launch of the new UIS Data Center.
In June, UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics (UIS) released the latest available literacy statistics, along with internationally comparable education indicators for the 2005 school year. This data release coincides with the launch of the new UIS Data Center.