Education in Nepal has only recently been developing, putting plans into action that will result in ongoing improvements. Several international organizations are involved in assisting Nepal with its education system and in educating children in rural areas of the country. Educational development in Nepal is seen as vital to cut-down the poverty rate as well as to promote community development. With this in mind Nepal's government continues to undo the damage the previous governmental regime inflicted on Nepal's education system.
For many years, during the rule of Nepal by the Rana family, education was suppressed. The Rana regime feared a public that was educated. Prior to World War Two however English middle and high schools were established in several villages along with an all-girl's high school in Kathmandu. As Gurkha soldiers returned to the villages with their new-found skills of reading and writing, education became more important to local people. Soon high-caste families would send their children to university who in turn began the anti-Rana sentiment ending the oppressive regime in 1951. Despite the establishment of an education system in Nepal, poorer families could not afford to send their children to school and also needed their children to work on the farms. Primary education was offered for free by the government as of 1975. Sadly, however, caste separation has denied many access to an education. Another factor holding some back from an education is that facilities are only in urban areas and it is expensive to send children to live in the towns. Illiteracy in Nepal sits at about 58%, 72% of which are women. Nonetheless, these statistics reflect a great advancement for Nepal.
Nepal's education system has been largely based on that of the United States and has received much assistance in forming a curriculum from various NGO's. Primary education runs from grade 1 through 5. Secondary education consists of lower secondary (grade 6 to 8), upper secondary (grade 9 to 10) and higher secondary (grade 11 to 12). Students will receive a School Leaving Certificate after completing grade 10. The streams for higher secondary education are education, science, commerce and humanities after which they receive a Higher Secondary Certificate. Students have the option of attending Basic Technical Schools after grade 5 to be awarded a Training Level Certificate.
Nepal's education system can look forward to continued improvements in the future under the guidance of the Government of Nepal's Ministry of Education - all aimed at promoting an educated and productive nation.