Monday, August 20, 2007

Changing Roles of Higher Education in a Globalized World

UNU/UNESCO International Conference: Globalization 2007

29 & 30 August, 2007

UNU Center, Tokyo

This international conference provides a forum for exploring how higher education can and should help humanity chart and navigate the pathways towards a shared future. Conference participants will discuss the challenges that globalization poses as well as the opportunities that it offers higher education. Attention will focus on institutions of higher education, their changing scope and responsibilities, the evolving environment in which they function, and their institutional responses.

In the keynote presentations and panel session on the 29 August 2007, eminent experts from around the world will present an overview of the changing roles of higher education in our increasingly knowledge-intensive, globalized world and discuss emerging patterns and themes. Special attention will be given to higher education in Africa. In the workshop sessions on the following day, panellists will explore today's challenges and opportunities in six parallel sessions focusing on
  1. (1) research, innovation and human and social development,
  2. (2) education for democracy, dialogue and peace,
  3. (3) intercultural leadership and change,
  4. (4) education for sustainable development,
  5. (5) access and success, and
  6. (6) e-learning.