From the Preface" "This report examines the experiences of some CLCs with such linkages and networks. It is based on six country reports from Japan, China, Bangladesh, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. These country reports, though quite different in scope, nevertheless have several common elements and a common methodology. The first part of this study identifies both the common features and the distinctive characteristics of CLCs that are identified in the country reports. The main body of this study is the analysis of the six country reports."
Strengthening Community Learning Centres through Linkages and Networks: A Synthesis of Six Country Reports.
Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok, 2007, 46 p.+ 1 CD-ROM.
ISBN 92-9223-104-9
Part I: Background of the Report
Part II: Findings and Comparative Analysis
Part III: Guidelines for Networking and Recommendations
CD Attachment
Part I: Background of the Report
Part II: Findings and Comparative Analysis
Part III: Guidelines for Networking and Recommendations